Monday, January 21, 2013

Recycle Ottoman Tutorial

On my last Goodwill run I found an ottoman that was still structurlly sound but just needed a makeover.  And it just happened to be 1/2 price day so it only cost me $4.50.  So check out how I redesigned it.

Staple Gun
Sewing Machine

Measure the height of ottoman. Add enough to wrap to inside and to bottom to staple.

The width should wrap around ottoman.  Add seam allowance and stitch together.
Slip over ottoman.
Pull to inside and staple.  Staple around the bottom.
Measure fabric to cover lid.  It should be big enough to wrap around the lid.
Miter corners by stitching on sewing machine.
Pull over lid and staple.
Now a "New Look"! and Storage Too!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Make Your Own Pottery Barn Look-a-like Lamp

Why pay high prices for the looks that you like for your home? It is much more fun to recycle and redesign items into the looks you like. I fell in love with a Pottery Barn lamp. Needless to say it was well over $100.00. So I decided to make my own. I kept my eye out for lamps at the local Goodwill. During one trip I found matching wooden bases. Then all I needed were the perfect size of matching shades.  Bases, shades and the following items were all I needed to make my version of a "Pottery Barn" look-alike lamp:

Enough burlap to cover shades
White Flat Spray
Paint Black Flat Spray Paint
Paint Adhesive Spray Paint
Hot Glue Gun

Find a base you like.
Spray a light coat of flat white spray paint.
Spray with flat black spray paint.
Sand off edges to allow the white to come through giving a  vintage look.
Next find a shade that has a good size and shape in proportion to base.
You will need enough burlap to cover shade.
Cut burlap to fit shaed.  (Note: You will need to cut on bias.)  Spray adhesive to fabric and cover shade.
Glue trim to give a clean edge.
And for less than $30.00 I have two lamps I love.  (And obviously my daughter loves them because somehow they ended up in her room!)
Leave comments with ideas you might like to share.