Why pay high prices for the looks that you like for your home? It is much more fun to recycle and redesign items into the looks you like.
I fell in love with a Pottery Barn lamp. Needless to say it was well over $100.00. So I decided to make my own. I kept my eye out for lamps at the local Goodwill. During one trip I found matching wooden bases. Then all I needed were the perfect size of matching shades. Bases, shades and the following items were all I needed to make my version of a "Pottery Barn" look-alike lamp:
Enough burlap to cover shades
White Flat Spray
Black Flat Spray Paint
Adhesive Spray Paint
Hot Glue Gun
Find a base you like.
Spray a light coat of flat white spray paint.
Spray with flat black spray paint.
Sand off edges to allow the white to come through giving a vintage look.
Next find a shade that has a good size and shape in proportion to base.
You will need enough burlap to cover shade.
Cut burlap to fit shaed. (Note: You will need to cut on bias.) Spray adhesive to fabric and cover shade.
Glue trim to give a clean edge.
And for less than $30.00 I have two lamps I love. (And obviously my daughter loves them because somehow they ended up in her room!)
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