Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Cleanups Around the Ktichen

  • To rid yellowing from white appliances:  1/2 cup bleach, 1/4 cup baking soda and 4 cups warm water.  Apply with a sponge and let set for 10 minutes.  Rinse and dry.
  • Use WD-40 to shine stainless steel appliances.  Follow the grain of the stainless steel.
  • Run a cycle with white vinegar to help clean filters.
  • Fill dishwasher with dirty dishes.  Put a bowl in the bottom of the dishwasher.  Pour 1 cup of white vinegar into the bowl and let the dishwasher go through the entire cycle.  This will remove all film not only from glasses but from your dishwasher too.  (Never put silver, aluminum or brass in the washer when doing this method.)
Clogged Drains:
  • Pour a cup of salt and a cup of baking soda into the drain followed by boiling water. 
Garbage Disposal:
  • Grind a half lemon or orange rinds in the disposal to remove any unpleasant odor.
  • Grind ice cubes to loosen debris.
  • An open box of baking soda will absorb food odors for at least a month or two.
  • A little vanilla poured on a piece of cotton and placed in the refrigerator will eliminate odors.
  • To prevent mildew from forming, wipe with vinegar.  The acid effectively kills the mildew fungus.
  • For a white sink, place paper towels across the bottom of your sink and saturate with household bleach.  Let set for 1/2 hour.
  • Rub stainless steel sinks with lighter fluid if rust marks appear.  After the rust is gone, wipe with your regurlar kitchen cleaner.
  • Use a cloth dampened with rubbing alcohol to remove water spots from stainless steel.
  • Spots on stainless steel can be removed with white vinegar.
  • Club soda will also shine stainless steel.
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1 comment:

  1. What is important is that they must be used in the correct way to see good results. Spray-on products usually require a few seconds or minutes in order to release tough dirt or to be effective as an antibacterial agent. Powders almost always require some amount of water to activate ingredients like baking soda that will remove stains. It is also important to note that some types of cleaning products should not be combined, because they can release harmful vapors or potentially discolor a porous surface.

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