Friday, January 27, 2012

DIY Pillow Form (A Recycling Project)

To recycle cotton cut old pillow casing away from cotton.

 (Or you may purchase cotton.)

Use light weight cotton for cover.

 Iron if needed.

Create a straight edge the size of pillow you desire.

Create a square or rectangle.

With right sides of fabric together pin around all edges.
Mark two “Xs” for starting and ending place.
Starting a “X” stitch a 5/8 allowance.

At corners raise pressure foot and lower needle and pivot.

Stop at “X

Clip all four corners.

Turn pillow casing right side out and stuff.

Stitch up opening.
You have recycled an old pillow into a new pillow form. To cover pillow form see: Decorative Pillow Form Cover Tutorial

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